Site Readiness for Commercial Service

To provide an accurate quote and keep the installation of natural gas service on schedule, your site must meet the following minimum requirements before completing an application form. 

  • Foundation and/or piles are in place
  • Lot is within 150 millimetres (6 inches) of final land grade
  • Property pins are in place and visible
  • Property number is displayed on the lot and visible from the street

Grain Dryers

  • To receive a quote, you must provide a lot plan identifying the proposed location of the grain dryer.
  • If you proceed with gas service, we will work with you to determine the final location of the grain dryer in relation to the service line. 
  • A cement pad is required to complete the installation. As there are several factors we consider when designing a service route, it’s important SaskEnergy confirms the specific details of your service before you pour a cement pad. 

Meter Installation

  • SaskEnergy will determine the location of the meter(s) to ensure future access by field representatives and use of equipment. Alternate meter locations(s) must be pre- approved before construction.
  • Depending on the size of meter, either a 24”x 10” pressure treated board or a cement pad will be required.
  • A minimum of .9 metres (3 feet) clearance from any exhaust vents, opening windows or doors is required. Refer to your mechanical contractor for appropriate codes and other specifications.

Preparing for the Service Route 

  • The service trench must be at least .6 metres (2 feet) away from the parallel property line to allow for future construction such as building a fence.
  • The trench for natural gas must be at least 1 metre (3 feet) from the electrical trench.
  • We require a path free of buildings, fencing, construction material, decks or any other obstructions to operate our equipment safely and efficiently. We recommend a path along the entire service route of at least 2 metres (6.5 feet) wide.
  • Be aware that any foundations or pads near the service route may settle after trenching.
  • In rocky conditions or if the ground is frozen we may need to operate larger equipment and need more room to work.
  • Underground infrastructure, including customer-owned facilities, must be located and clearly marked.