Investing in Safety

Safety is our number one priority

We are always committed to our safety, the safety of our team and the public.

Safety is a core value and is the guiding principle in the operation of our system. Safety programming is applied to all aspects of our gas lines and facilities - design, construction, operation and maintenance.

Our goal is to see every employee and contractor go home safely at the end of the day and meet the vision of Mission: Zero - zero injuries, zero fatalities and zero suffering.

We support public and workplace safety through initiatives such as the promotion of damage prevention, access to free safety training, as well as actions that align with leading best practices.  We are also proud to partner with organizations such as:

A Safe and Reliable System

Our Integrity Management Program helps us manage the natural gas system through its life cycle. We use strategies to operate our system to reduce risk and minimize environmental impact, while being economical. This includes a number of activities designed to detect, mitigate, and prevent threats to our province-wide system. Some of the measures we take include:

  • following strict regulatory guidelines and standard practices:
  • developing public awareness and safe digging education initiatives such as developing conditions and approvals for working around natural gas lines;
  • offering line locating services through Sask 1st Call;
  • performing regular natural gas line and right-of-way inspections to check for leaks, damaged components, and other safety concerns;
  • risk-based system improvement programs to determine upgrade priorities throughout the province.

Each year, we complete inspections on approximately 20,000 kilometers of natural gas lines and 100,000 service points.