Apply for Sponsorship
When reviewing sponsorship opportunities for an event, program, or project we consider the following:
- the number of people who will benefit
- the impact of the donation to the overall budget
- the lasting impact or legacy as a result of the sponsorship
- recognition and participation options for SaskEnergy
- support for rural Saskatchewan
- the role and type of contributing sponsors
- presence of key support areas such as environmental stewardship, indigenous engagement, youth, support of vulnerable peoples, education, safety and health
What you need to Know
- Submit requests 6 to 12 weeks in advance of the event date, if possible.
- Every application will receive a response.
- Although we try to accommodate all eligible applications, funding is limited.
How to Apply
We accept and process applications based on the dollar value you are requesting.
Contributions under $1,000
Examples: cash donations, corporate tables, door prizes, raffle or silent auction items, less than 500 lanyards
Contributions over $1,000
Examples: cash donations, Share the Warmth Grants, Volunteer Firefighter Grants, major events that require a tent, more than 500 lanyards
Initiatives Not Eligible for Support
- Political groups or events
- Advocacy groups
- Organizations that discriminate on the basis of ethnic origin, gender, sexuality, colour, language, national or social origins, economic status, religion, political or other contentious belief
- Religious groups, events or projects except for faith-based organizations requesting funding for the delivery of non-denominational crisis intervention services
- Third-party funding organizations such as professional telephone solicitors or private charitable foundations
- Individual pursuits
- Individual sports teams
Exception: you can apply for promotional items required for more fundraising - Cash donations to capital campaigns
Exception: Campaigns providing significant educational or heritage importance for Saskatchewan are eligible to apply - Out of province events or travel expenses
- For-profit community endeavors