Residential Equipment Replacement Rebate Program

Terms and Conditions 

  1. Overview
  2. Eligibility Criteria
  3. Program Process
  4. Eligible Units
  5. Rebates
  6. Additional Terms & Conditions
  7. Documentation

1. Overview

  1. The Residential Equipment Replacement Rebate (the “Program”) administered by SaskEnergy Incorporated (“SaskEnergy”) is designed to stimulate investment in energy-efficient equipment (“Unit(s)”) that may reduce natural gas and electrical usage and associated operating costs.
  2. The Program is targeted to the residential replacement market (with the exception of heat recovery ventilator Units, or HRVs, which may be eligible in both new and replacement installations).
  3. The Program begins July 2, 2021 and ends June 30, 2022.
  4. The Program offers a rebate payment to partially offset the higher purchase price of higher efficiency Units.
  5. The Program is only available through a participating SaskEnergy Residential Network Member ("Network Member").

2. Eligibility Criteria

  1. A person or entity applying under the Program (the “Applicant”) must be the registered homeowner, landlord or a representative of a rental company and be a SaskEnergy residential customer. This application must be signed by the registered homeowner, landlord or a representative of a rental company.
  2. The residential property or dwelling where the Unit is installed must be located in Saskatchewan.
  3. Unit must be part of the primary space and/or water heating system.
  4. Units installed in new construction are not eligible for the rebate.
  5. Only residential properties are eligible. This includes row housing and duplex units that are each metered separately with a dedicated meter.
  6. Garage structures (urban/rural) are not eligible. Attached residential garages are not eligible.
  7. Units covered by manufacturer warranty claims are not eligible. 
  8. Only eligible Units under the Program qualify for the Program rebate (see section 4.0).
  9. Unit must be purchased from, and installed by, a participating Network Member.
  10. Subject to section 6.0, Unit must be purchased and installed between July 2, 2021 and June 30, 2022. 
  11. The Network Member is responsible for disposal or recycling of the old Unit.
  12. All applications and required paperwork must be received within 30 days of installation and in no event later than July 31, 2022. 

3. Program Process

  1. Applicant's participating Network Member determines the capacity and Unit required to meet the space and/or water heating requirements of the property or dwelling.
  2. Participating Network Member completes the Residential Equipment Replacement Rebate application form. The Applicant reviews the information on these forms for accuracy and signs. Participating Network Member sends the signed form to SaskEnergy along with required documentation (See Section 7.0 for required documentation). All applications and required paperwork must be received within 30 days of installation and in no event later than July 31, 2022.
  3. SaskEnergy processes the application.
    • If all documents are in order and the Applicant has met all the Program requirements, SaskEnergy sends a cheque to (or if applicable, applies a credit to the account of) the Applicant within 6 to 8 weeks of receiving and approving the application from the participating Network Member.
    • If the documents are not in order, SaskEnergy may ask for additional documentation or information.

4. Eligible Units 

  1. All space and/or water heating Units installed must use natural gas (with the exception of HRVs).
  2. The Unit must be new. Used or rebuilt Units are not eligible for a rebate.
  3. All Units must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specification and must comply with applicable laws, codes, standards and ordinances.
  4. Eligible furnaces
    Furnaces must be: 
    • a minimum 96% annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) two-stage or 96.0% - 96.9% modulating gas furnace with an electronically commutated motor (ECM); 
    • a minimum 97% AFUE, modulating furnace with an ECM; and
    • specifically identified on one of the eligible furnace lists available on This list is subject to change without notice.
  5. Eligible boilers
    Boilers must be: 
    • a minimum 95% AFUE; and
    • specifically identified on the eligible boiler list available on This list is subject to change without notice.
  6. Eligible combi boilers
    Combi boilers must be:
    • a  minimum 95% AFUE; and
    • specifically identified on the eligible combi boiler list available on This list is subject to change without notice.
  7. Eligible heat recovery ventilators (HRV)
    HRVs must be:
    • ENERGY STAR® certified; and 
    • specifically identified on the eligible HRV list available on This list is subject to change without notice.
  8. Eligible tankless water heaters
    Tankless water heaters must be:
    • ENERGY STAR® certified; and
    • specifically identified on the eligible tankless water heater list available on This list is subject to change without notice.
  9. Eligible tank water heaters
    Tank water heaters must be:
    • ENERGY STAR® certified; and
    • specifically identified on the eligible tank water heater list available on This list is subject to change without notice.
  10. Eligible condensing water heaters
    Condensing water heaters must be:
    • ENERGY STAR® certified; and 
    • minimum 0.8 uniform energy factor (UEF); and
    • specifically identified on the eligible condensing water heater list available on This list is subject to change without notice.

5. Rebates

  1. Furnace rebate will be calculated as follows:
    •     $325 for each 96%+ AFUE two-stage or 96.0% - 96.9% AFUE modulating eligible furnace.
    •     $650 for each 97%+ AFUE modulating eligible furnace.
  2. Boiler rebate will be calculated as follows:
    •     $10 per MBH (1000 BTU/hr) for a 95%+ AFUE eligible boiler, up to a maximum of $2,000 per home.
  3. Combi boiler rebate will be calculated as follows:
    • $800 for each 95%+ AFUE eligible combi boiler. 
  4. HRV rebate will be calculated as follows:
    • $100 for each eligible ENERGY STAR® certified HRV.
  5. Tankless water heater rebate will be calculated as follows:
    • $1,000 for each eligible ENERGY STAR® certified tankless water heater.
  6. Tank water heater rebate will be calculated as follows:
    • $250 for each eligible ENERGY STAR® certified tank water heater.
  7. Condensing water heater rebate will be calculated as follows:
    • $1,000 for each eligible ENERGY STAR® certified condensing water heater.
  8. Rebates cannot be assigned or transferred by the Applicant.

6. Additional Terms & Conditions

  1. SaskEnergy reserves the right to amend, modify or terminate the Program at any time with or without notice, and for any reason, without penalty or further obligation. 
  2. Program funding is limited. SaskEnergy, in its sole discretion, reserves the right at any time to limit the number of rebates, and/or the amount of a rebate, payable to an Applicant or in respect of a building.
  3. If SaskEnergy amends or modifies the Program after an application is received and approved by SaskEnergy, the Applicant cannot resubmit an application for the same Unit under the amended or modified Program.
  4. Applicant acknowledges their Unit may use less natural gas and electricity and produce fewer emissions. Applicant agrees to permit SaskEnergy to view the utility bill(s) for the building containing the eligible Unit to monitor and publicly report on changes in energy consumption as a result of the eligible Unit. All information regarding energy consumption used in promotional material will be aggregated with other buildings in the Program. 
  5. SaskEnergy reserves the right to audit rebates paid through the Program including the right of a SaskEnergy representative to inspect, after installation, a premise that was the subject of an application to confirm the indicated Unit was installed. 
  6. Use and disclosure of information. By submitting an application, the Applicant consents and agrees that SaskEnergy and/or an authorized third party may: (i) contact the Applicant by phone, mail, email or other method to administer, implement, evaluate and research all elements of the Program, verify information, and to conduct surveys; (ii) collect and use information (including personal information) contained in the application or acquired during participation in the Program and may disclose the information to affiliates, contractors, and Network Members, to administer, implement and evaluate the Program, to conduct research, to confirm eligibility, to verify compliance, for quality insurance, and to develop other energy efficiency programs; and (iii) retrieve account information and bill data for a period of 5 years prior to, and 5 years after, the Program participation to evaluate consumption and energy savings attributable to the Program, and to collect, use and disclose such information and data pursuant to (ii) above.
  7. SaskEnergy or an authorized third party may contact Applicants to conduct survey(s) regarding the Program or to follow-up with the Applicant with respect to the Program and/or the Unit installed. 
  8. Applicant agrees to transfer to SaskEnergy, ownership of credit for greenhouse gas reduction and/or carbon credit associated directly or indirectly with the Unit.
  9. Applicant grants SaskEnergy the right to use any funds provided under the Program, in full or in part, to set-off any amounts payable by the Applicant to SaskEnergy. SaskEnergy reserves the right to apply this set-off in its sole discretion.
  10. In addition to these terms and conditions, the Program, and any rebate payments made under the Program, are subject to terms and conditions contained in the application form and required documents (See section 7.0 for required documentation). In the event of a conflict, the terms and conditions stated herein will prevail.

    Representation and Warranties
  11. Applicant represents and warrants that it complies, and will continue to comply, with the Program eligibility criteria contained herein. 
  12. Applicant represents and warrants that all information provided in relation to the Program is complete, true and correct. Applicant agrees it will notify SaskEnergy in the event there is a material change in its application or information provided.

  13. In the event the Applicant fails to adhere to the terms and conditions contained herein, SaskEnergy reserves the right to void the application documents and SaskEnergy will be released from any and all obligations under the Program. In the event the Applicant fails to adhere to these terms and conditions, is or becomes ineligible for any reason to receive a rebate paid to it, or receives a rebate in error, SaskEnergy reserves the right to collect any rebate paid as a debt owed to SaskEnergy. 

  14. SaskEnergy will have no ownership interest in the Unit.
  15. SaskEnergy, not being the designer or manufacturer of the Unit, makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fitness, design or capability of the material, Unit or workmanship in the Unit, nor any warranty that the Unit will satisfy the requirements of any law, specification, or contract. 
  16. Applicant will be solely responsible for and shall indemnify and save harmless SaskEnergy and its subsidiaries and its respective employees, directors, agents, contractors, sub-contractors and representatives from any liability, all claims, demands, causes of action, suits, judgments and penalties whatsoever and wheresoever arising out of or in relation to the Program including, without limitation, those made or sustained in respect of property damage, personal injury (including death), infringement of copyright or trademark, builders or other liens.
  17. SaskEnergy does not endorse or warrant any particular manufacturer, product, system, design, supplier, or installer in relation to the Program.
  18. SaskEnergy does not guarantee that the Applicant will benefit from reduced utility costs as a result of the Unit.

    Tax implication
  19. SaskEnergy will not be responsible for any tax liability imposed on the Applicant as a result of payment of the rebate. For GST Registrants, rebates received by the Applicant include GST which must be remitted by the Applicant to the Receiver General of Canada.

7. Documentation

  1. SaskEnergy is not responsible for lost, delayed, damaged, illegible or incomplete applications.
  2. The following documents must be submitted to SaskEnergy:
    • Completed application form signed by the Applicant and Network Member.
    • Sales invoice that shows Applicant and Network Member name(s); make(s), model(s) and serial number(s) of the installed Unit(s); and date of installation.
    • Copy of gas permit(s). 
  3. All information submitted pursuant to section 6.0 (f)(ii) shall be received and handled in accordance with SaskEnergy's Privacy Policy.